The gloss finish enhances the panel and is UV resistant, therefore suitable for interior and flybridge/exterior use.
We can cut on a variety of materials – plastics, perspex, laminates, brass, stainless steel and many more…
Whilst many boat builders free issue us with the instruments supplied with the engine we can also supply a full range of instruments for refits or upgrading.
We are stockists of Wema – Faria – VDO instruments. Carling – ETA- Apem switches.

The larger machine manufactures all the larger panels and production run work, so can sometimes be running for days on end on the same job, leaving the smaller machines to handle all the “can you justs?”.
We work with a range of materials including plastics, brass and stainless steel.
From one-offs to production runs, we can discuss costs and delivery schedules with you.

We can take on as much or as little as suits you, from just manufacturing the panel to supplying all the equipment and full wiring either to the rear of the panel or to a din rail system
We hold large stocks of components and work closely with boat builders to ensure we hold good stocks for their build schedules.
Whether you are a boat builder, boatyard or an individual boat owner we can manufacture all your panel needs.

You can design your own panel layout or you can leave it to us, we will provide proof drawings before work commences.